Installation in Mongolia is being finalised!

Installation in Mongolia is being finalised! 2560 1593 Martina Dušková

In the far Mongolia, our colleagues are finishing installation of proofing system „paternoster.“ It will ensure a smooth operation for 400 sheets per hour and their cleaning and greasing. This line can produce 1000 kg of puff pastry, for which proofing is one of the most important technological processes.

The processed dough needs to be eased after forming to make the pastry soft and puffy. Paternoster proofer is a perfect solution for manipulating sheets and forms. Unlike other proofing systems, it takes much less square space and allows flexible regulation of proofing time and capacity. That makes it perfect for lines that produce more than one type of product with different weights.

People from Ulaanbaatar will have fresh croissants at the beginning of next year and our colleagues will be pleased to return to a warmer climate, the temperatures in Mongolia go down to minus 18 degrees. But don’t get us wrong, despite the rough weather, Mongolia is a beautiful country with unique culture and amazing nature.

Do you need to automate your production? Don’t hesitate to contact us!